Celebrating Tradition – Your Way!

The Shtiebel is a community that prides itself on being innovative and inclusive to all. We provide experiences and opportunities that nurture meaningful Jewish practices and foster a positive Jewish identity in our rapidly changing world.

Our High Holy Days services will be a shared, multi-generational experience, led by Rabbi Gersh Lazarow, Tammy Cohen, RJE, and, our musician-in-residence, Marshall Voit.

We are also pleased to offer a series of youth services catered to our youngest community members and their families. This will be a fun and engaging way to introduce the themes of the holiday season to your children.

We invite you to embrace this New Year with us and discover the warmth of being part of our welcoming community.

High Holy Day Program 2023/5784

We loved sharing Rosh HaShanah with so many of you and your families and look forward to welcoming you back to The Shtiebel on Yom Kippur.

Click on the images below for detailed descriptions of all of our High Holy Day services & activities (the * denotes our Children’s Services).

High Holy Day Ticket Options

If you’re uncertain about the most suitable ticket option for you and your family, please don’t hesitate to contact us at frontdoor@shtiebel.org.au or call us on (03) 7044 0185.
We are here to assist you in making the best decision for a meaningful and inclusive High Holy Day experience.

There Is Always More…